Thursday, September 8, 2011

Amanda and Adrienne's Ann Arbor Adventure:)

This past Tuesday, the lovely Amanda Stevens and I ventured out into Ann Arbor for some fine dining and shopping. We ate at the Melting Pot, which is a delicious fondue restaurant. We had some really good blackberry sage lemonade there. After, we stopped at Starbucks and then shopped at Urban Outfitters (where we did not find anything, sadly:p) Then we took an hour to find my car because I can never remember where I park, so next time, I will:) Tonight I got Bubble Tea again with my wonderful boyfriend, Eric. He makes me happier than I have ever been:) We are actually planning on going to see the Lion King 3D soon, so I will let everyone know how it was. Also, I am seeing Blink 182 on Sunday with My Chemical Romance, so I will write about that as well. By the way, do not go see Vince Neil ever. (Well, maybe with Motley Crue) He yelled at the sound guy, who was doing him a favor by turning him down because his voice sounded awful, and he forgot the words, or just made some up for half of his five song set. His band was better than he was, considering the guitar player had a better voice and the drummer was very entertaining. I'd give them a five, and him a two.   :)

Monday, September 5, 2011

The Open Road.

I was on last week, and I noticed a link to this guy's blog (Foster Huntington). His main blog is, but he runs where people post a picture of things they would save if their house was burning to the ground. It's pretty interesting stuff. On the Urban Outfitters site it said he quit his day job to travel, and I thought that was great because that is something I have always wanted to do. No worries, no boring day job, just the world, me and whoever was by my side. Maybe I'll save up and take a month off of work sometime:p It worries me that other people work all the time. I understand wanting a secure future and money to go out and do things with, but how can we experience what true freedom is if we are always bound to those things? On another note, I am going to get some delicious Bubble Tea tonight at Bubble Island:) It looks something like this...
and it's delicious:p I'll start posting more often, I start school this week so I will try to as much as I can:)

Tuesday, August 9, 2011


I have been so busy:p Since the last time I posted, I have gone to see Death Cab For Cutie (AMAZING!) The Airborne Toxic Event (INCREDIBLE!..besides all of the drunk people:p) and Mayhem Fest (Godsmack was SPECTACULAR! and I love when Sully drums with the drummer:D) I have been working a lot, too. Amanda and I worked frantically on Sunday since we were understaffed:/ But the Little Bear cake (she posted about it:p) made it worth it:p I want one for my birthday:p A lot of other things have been going on in regards to my friends, and I feel like sometimes it's not fair when people judge you for something when they are misunderstanding the situation, or take other people's word for something they never ask you about. I guess all I can do is be around the people who see me for who I really am:p Which is a drama free girl that always has a song in her head:p Oh! And I want a tattoo like this! It is a little yellow bird, which to me is a Bright Eyes reference. In the song Poison Oak, he sings "I never thought this life was possible. You're the yellow bird I've been waiting for." So to me, it means that these little yellow birds, like canaries, come in and out of your life and save you from yourself or other things, and since Bright Eyes is one of my favorite bands, it is only fitting:p  

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Taking Back Sunday:)

Last night, I went with my boyfriend, Eric, and my best friend, Allie, to see Thursday and Taking Back Sunday at St. Andrews Hall:) It was one of the craziest concerts I have ever been to:p The staff was throwing buckets of water onto the crowd, leaving all of us soaked. Plus, the crowd was pushing so hard no one could breathe. It was worth it though:p After the incredible show, we were able to meet Adam Lazzara, the frontman of Taking Back Sunday! He was really nice and since Allie and I have been waiting about 8 years to do so , it made it even better:) Here are some pictures:) (My hair was drenched in the last one:p)

Monday, July 25, 2011

Still Editing, but..

I'm still editing my blog, but this is how it's going to look for now:p I've decided to write about my life and music so there should be many more blogs to come:) Last weekend I saw Rob Zombie and Slayer, and a spectacular Paul McCartney show:) Both were great, and Rob Zombie paid about $ 30,000 to play over the time limit:) I'm seriously considering playing drums way more than usual so I can join a band soon:) I'm hoping to find one around next summer:)Btw, anyone want to go to Paris or London with me? I think I'm going to go sometime in my college years, probably as a Senior or something:p
Here's a picture from the McCartney show:) My Rob Zombie ones were blurry:p I will upload some from the Taking Back Sunday/Thursday show tomorrow though:)

Oh, and the suitcase I will be taking to London/Paris if I don't have a leather one covered in stamps by then:p

Saturday, January 8, 2011

Underoath: Aaron, or no Aaron, that is the Question!

For years, I listened to Underoath because of Aaron Gillespie. I'm a huge fan of his drumming, personally because I am a drummer myself. He is what inspired me, next to Dave Grohl to play. I was disappointed to hear he left the band, especially because they have been in my life and helped me through the tough times. When Disambiguation was released, I had my doubts. Where would the band be without the founder? I gave the CD a listen, and to my surprise, they are even better without him. Spencer Chamberlain, vocalist for the band , now shines on a level I never thought he could. Alternative Press stated he was a mix of Anthony Green (Circa Survive) and Layne Staley (Alice in Chains) in their December 2010 issue and I cannot argue. He pulls out these intense vocals screaming things like "I tore out my lying eyes so they locked me up preying on the innocent" in Illuminator. Being one of the best tracks, with lyrics like "How do I know what side I'm on," anyone that listens to Illuminator can feel the oh so human pull of good and evil inside themselves shatter the air around them. This is a common theme in Underoath's music, much displayed in 2006's Define the Great Line, an album I recommend to anyone. Underoath has definitely grown as a band, and has made it through Spencer's well known heroin addiction and Gillespie's split from the line up. When I met the band in 2008 at the Mayhem Festival, I expected very cool guys. What did I get? Spencer telling the crowd happy spring break in August, and Aaron with an attitude looking and sounding annoyed when I asked for a picture as he signed my CD. I was kind of disappointed, but I had seen them before at Warped Tour, and I have to say that show was a million times better, and so was the next years when they came back. It was obviously time for a split, considering all of the tension in articles and interviews and converstions on stage. Any fan could see that Aaron wasn't happy and needed a change. I don't know if he will find the same success that came with Underoath, but I do know that Underoath is better than ever without him, and I cannot wait to see them again. What do you think? Better with or without him? 

Which musician was my favorite to meet?

So far, I have to say Rob Zombie was the coolest musician I was able to actually meet. It was at Mayhem 2010, and his whole band, John 5, Piggy D, and Joey Jordison signed whatever fans wanted for about 30 minutes. They were really cool guys, very friendly and for some reason, surprisingly clean. I always expected, no offence, Rob Zombie to be a bit dirtier but to my surprise he was squeaky clean. Just being honest;) Rob Zombie will always be a top 5 to me. The show he put on was nothing less than 110%, with giant stage props walking around to the undead coming alive, and not to leave out his bands talent. John 5, the amazing guitar player he is, smashed his guitar after the set and played through with a broken leg. Joey Jordison was great on drums, but I do believe Slipknot was more his style and shows more of his talent given that most of Zombie's music has simple beats. Piggy D, played bass flawlessly, and the costumes they wore only made the show more memorable. I would recommend Rob Zombie to any concert lover, he puts on a show no one should miss. The finale was Zombie on a giant statue singing as confetti fell into the crowd, and sadly, Korn went on after him. If I were them, I would have quit right then. They were nothing compared to Zombie, and honestly were the worst band of the whole festival. They should have played first.